Last Updated: 4/8/2024


We are glad you chose to visit our site. Hopefully you will find something that will enhance your personal worship experience or be useful for your worship ministry. Feel free to use any of our original material for whatever purpose you need. Also, we want to invite you to visit Steve Pruitt’s blog On the blog you will find Bible lessons that cover the entire Bible verse by verse and other material that may help you run the race of faith.

Think About It: “We can only truly worship God when our hearts are fully surrendered to him.” john Owen

Be sure to check out the free e-books that includes Steve Pruitt’s “The Ingredients of Worship.”

Untitled1 In his first book, Steve Pruitt shares ideas that he believes are necessary for worship to become a way of life and not just an emotional experience when gathered with other believers. He mixes personal experience along with a strong biblical foundation to convey Jesus’ message that true worshipers worship the Father is spirit and truth. Located in the back of the book you will find a study guide that might be helpful for personal or small group study.

Steve writes, “Worship is more than a time slot to be filled on Sunday morning. Worship begins before the music starts, when no one is looking. Worship is a way of life; daily giving oneself to God. True outward expressions of worship flow from a heart that is intimately involved with the Father.”

All of the e-books are free for you to download. You may make as many copies of the books as you like. Please give proper credit and do not reproduce for sale.

Featured Article:
Thanksgiving in Worship -By Steve Pruitt
In modern day worship services there is a popular trend of lifting and even waving hands. I dare say many people who express their worship in this manner do so without a clue as to what it represents. Many do it just because it’s popular, but doing something because it’s popular doesn’t make it worship. You see, the offerer of the Old Testament sacrifice could have waved his hands, but without the blood sacrifice it would have meant nothing. It would have not been acceptable to God. Therefore, the waving or lifting of our hands to God in thanksgiving is not acceptable to God if, through Jesus, we do not offer our bodies as a living sacrifice.

Featured Devotional:
Undivided Heart -By Steve Pruitt
There are times in our lives when our hearts seem to get fragmented. Sometimes life’s circumstances draws our attention away from what is most important; we lose focus. It could be that at times our hearts become divided between career, hobbies, family or friends and our commitment to love God above all.

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